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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mention 5 items of the nature
Cloud, rock, snow, sunshine, cliff, moon, sand , waves, star, field, fog, earth, storm, path, waterfall, amazing, huge, high, flat, dangerous, low.
If you............(have) more money, I...................(buy) car
had/would buy
Mention 5 types of personality
bossy, calm, clever, confident, funny, lazy, lively, noisy, rude, serious, shy, sporty
mention 5 types of programmes
Types of film: horror, comedy, the news, the weather, soap opera, thriller, action
Be .............stress, have the right ............, disappointed .............
Be under stress, have the right to, disappointed with
.............a song, .................a ticket, ..............a scene,............in a play
record-book- play-perform
Maria has worked really hard to ...............her own business
set up
Remember to log off before you ................ your computer
shut down
Please, we are trying to sleep, ..................the volume
turn down
fed up .........., frightened ....., good...., interested....., keen....., terrible .....
fed up with, frightened of, good at, interested in, keen on, terrible at
pmention 5 technological items
coffee maker, dishwasher, fridge, kettle, microwave, remote control, smart TV, washing machine
prepositions: afraid....., bad......., bored.........., brilliant..........., excited................,
afraid of , bad at, bored with, brilliant at, excited about,
She.........................her walls.....................(paint) yesterday
The camping site will......(open) every day
be opened
This painting ..............(paint) in the 12 th century
was painted
We............(have) our car................at the moment
are having/fixed
By the time she .....(arrive) He................(leave)
arrived/had left