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Phrasal Verbs Unit 15

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was so cold yesterday that we ___________ the heaters.
turned on
The car wouldn't start so my dad ________ the battery.
took out
It was too hot so I __________ the heating ________.
turned / down
It's easy to ___________ information on the computer.
look up
Before she goes to bed, my mum always ___________ the lights.
turns off
_________ the old batteries and ________ some new ones.
Take out / put in
This programme is so boring! Let's ___________ and find something better.
Turn over
Please ___________ your electronic devices before the plane takes off.
Turn off
___________ that music! It's too loud.
Turn down
Can you _________ the train times on your phone?
look up
What do we use Google for?
To look up information
What do we use a remote control for?
To turn over the channel.
Name four things you can turn off.
TV / Phone / Computer / Light
Name four things you can turn on.
TV / Phone / Computer / Light
What does 'take out' mean?
Teacher checks answer
What does 'put in' mean?
Teacher checks answer
What does 'look up' mean?
Teacher checks answer
What does 'turn over' mean?
Teacher checks answer
What does 'turn down' mean?
Teacher checks answer
What does 'turn up' mean?
Teacher checks answer
What does 'turn off' mean?
Teacher checks answer
What does 'turn on' mean?
Teacher checks answer
What's the phrasal verb?
Take out
What's the phrasal verb?
Put in
What's the phrasal verb?
Look up
What's the phrasal verb?
Turn up
What's the phrasal verb?
Turn down
What's the phrasal verb?
Turn over
What's the phrasal verb?
Turn off
What's the phrasal verb?
Turn on
What's the phrasal verb?
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