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L7-Verb + preposition

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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David is so reliable. I can always ___ him.
depend on
Have you ever ___ of that new type of diet? I haven’t – it’s news to me.
-How do you feel about the extra task you’ve been given? -I think I can ___ it.
do without / cope with
I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong. I don’t have anything to apologise ___.
Four children and three pets? I don’t know how they ___ all of that going on in their lives.
cope with
There’s so much fake news about. I have a simple approach to it. If I haven’t ___ it from different people, it probably isn’t true.
heard of
depended on
laughed at
I love my phone so much. I’m not sure I could ever ______ it.
do without
depend on
This year’s team isn’t that different when ___ last year’s, but the results are so much better.
compared with
depended on
Are you going to the picnic tomorrow?
Not sure, it depends on the weather.
Not sure, it compares with the weather.
The comedian loves it when people ___ her jokes.
laugh at
compare with
Do you think you’ll be able to ___ all the changes planned? You seem to accept new things well.
cope with
do without
laugh at
depend on
That doesn’t ring a bell. I don’t think I have heard ___ that word before.
Verbs followed by 'without':
Verbs followed by 'with':
cope, compare
That’s awful news. I could really have done ___ hearing about that.
That’s a new name for me. I don’t think I’ve ever ___ it at all.
heard of
depended on
apologised for
laughed at
That was very amusing. I don’t remember ___ anything quite so much in a long time.
laughing at
comparing with
coping with
-Did you rate that film? -Yes, ___ the last one, it was great.
compared with
depended on
apologised for
Is she trustworthy, do you think? Can I ___ her?
depend on
cope with
Are you still angry with Nick?
No, he’s just apologised for upsetting me.
No, he’s laughed at upsetting me.
I’m finding it difficult to manage my studies. I’m not sure I can ___ all the things I have to do.
cope with
do without