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Primate Evolution

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the species of humans?
Homo sapiens
What are the main threats that make the primates be endangered? (at least 2)
Loss of tropical habitat, Human predation, Low reproductive rate
Scientists believe that the first ancestors of humans are from Africa: True or False.
What type of social behaviors are present on primates?
Communicating and grooming
Primate that is more like humans in their physical structure and behavior.
Down syndrome results due to a nondisjunction leading to a trisomy: True or False
If a baby looks more like his dad, that means he has more genes of his dad than his mom. True or False
diagram that traces the inheritance of a particular trait through several generations.
micrograph of pairs of homologous chromosomes arranged in decreasing size.
Albinism is a recessive genetic disorder: True or False
There are only recessive genetic disorders: True or False
An individual who is heterozygous for a recessive disorder is called a ________
Who is the father of genetics?
Gregor Mendel
Its the observable characteristic or outward expression of an allele pair.
Which of the next option best discribes an homozygous recessive allele: Rr, RR, rr
An organism wit with two different alleles for a particular trait is _______ for that trait
Form of a single gene passed from generation to generation.
In which phase of Meiosis I crossing over occurs?
Prophase I
Mention an example of trait
Each characteristic, such as hair color, height, or eye color, etc.
How many pairs of chromosomes are on human body cells?
Substances and agents that are known to cause cancer.
Cancer cells spend less time in _________(name of phase) than do normal cells.
Primates have large brains: True or False?
What is the main characteristic that distinguishes primates?
They have flexible hands and feet