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Getting ready for Unit test 6

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Paraphrase: I'm looking for work where it isn't necessary to get up early. I'm looking for work where I ______________to get up early
don't have to
прикріпляти резюме
enclose a CV
I'm writing __________the advertisement on your website. (because, to apply for, in response to)
in response to
Did they tell you that you ___ come into this area? It’s restricted to staff only. (don't have to/ can't)
I can’t get a connection on my phone. ___ I borrow yours?
You ___ come to the meeting but it would help us all if you’re there.
don't have to
We ___________forget to lock all the doors before we leave.
We have a lot of work tomorrow. You _________be late.
Carly's mom works (regular/ shifts/ overtime) office hours, so she always get home at 6.
I work at my father Correct or not?
NOT/ work for
You (needn't/ don't have) to pay for kids
don't have to
I have to/ need/ must remember to send Grandma a birthday card
You don't need to/ mustn't/ need to be attractive to be a good actor
don't need to
If he _______(earn) low wage, he __________(look for) another job
earnt, would look for
Who __________you _______(like) to meet, if you _________ (can/meet) anyone?
would you like/ if you could meet
I ______________(not/ work) if I had more money.
wouldn't work
She _________ (buy) a Porsche if she won the lottery.
would buy
If I _______ (be) you, I wouldn't accept that job. It sounds terrible!!
If we play football on Saturday, I ________ (be) tired on Sunday.
will be
If it __________ (rain) in the Sahara desert, everyone would be very surprised.
I applied for a job to a local _______________(employ)
Once a year the company pays a bonus to its best ___________(employ)