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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mystery Number: Write the number that has a 5 in the thousands place, a 7 in the hundred thousands place, a 3 in the ones place and the rest of the digits are 2s.
In the number 331,825 how would you describe the relationship between the digit in the hundred thousands place and the thousands place?
The value of the 3 in the hundred thousands place is 300,000 which is ten times greater than the 3 in the ten thousands place which has a value of 30,000.
Round this number to the nearest thousands place: 54,509
Round this number to the nearest hundreds place: 767,821
Which is the greatest number: A. 45,009 B. 45,100 C. 46,100 D. 46,998
D. 46,998
Compare these numbers: 340,441 O 341,443
340,441 < 341,443
Write the number three hundred fifty one thousand, seven hundred five
Write the number eight million, one hundred forty three thousand, seven hundred seventy five
What is the value of the digit 6 in this number: 3,001,673
What is the value of the digit 9 in this number: 3,901,772
In the number 4,401 what can you tell me about the relationship between the 4 in the thousands place and the 4 in the hundreds place?
The 4 in the thousands place is 10 times greater than the 4 in the hundreds place.
Write the expanded form of 720,552
700,000 + 20,000 + 500 + 50 + 2
Write the expanded form of 431,063
400,000 + 30,000 + 1,000 + 60+ 3
Write a number that has a 6 in the ones place and a 6 in the hundreds place.
Sample Answer: 743,606
Write a number that rounds to 80,000 when rounding to the nearest ten thousand place.
Sample Answer: 77,555
Which symbol makes the comparison true: 990,218 O 99,999
990,218 > 99,999
Round the number to the nearest hundred thousands place: 561,035