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Sudo Midterm Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you have any tips for __________ vocabulary words?
Have you heard about the _______ baseball game?
Don't read the results ______!
You should ________ the positive and negative effects of not recycling.
Rather than avoiding your problems, it's better to _____ them.
When you face an obstacle, it's best to find ways to _____ ____ them efficiently.
deal with / get over
Many painters have been [inspired] by nature. Change the words in the brackets.
motivated/ prompted/ roused
He [continued to paint] as he wanted. -> He [p_________ ___ p_________ ] as he wanted.
persisted in painting
[Despite] his great creativity, though, he was not taken seriously for most of his career. Change the words in the brackets into ____ s_______ ____.
In spite of
G: What are you interested in? B: Actually, I don't really know. I just [hang out with] my friends, and that's all. Change the words in the [brackets] with a synonym.
spend time with
[Focus on] your strong points. Change the words in the [brackets].
Concentrate on / Pay attention to
I'm very happy to speak with 심리학자 Dr. Julie Brown.
the importance of being content with yourself -> being s__________ with yourself
It is important to congratulate yourself when you fulfill a goal, ____ ________ ____ small it is. Fill in the blank.
no matter how
It is important to congratulate yourself when you f________/ ach______/ ac___________ a goal, however small it is.
fulfill, achieve, accomplish
G: Well, you have your own merits. You always listen carefully to others when they are talking. B: Really? But I don't think that's such a great quality. What are some other words for 'Quality'? HINT: f_______ , c_________
feature, characteristic
What is Emily Teacher interested in? 3 sentences please
Great Job!
Henri Rousseau was a ___________ painter.
remarkable, renowned
Why don't you ____ __ _ ___? You might like it!
give it a try
Oh, that style really ______ you all!
suits, fits
I don't think that style _______ you.
suits, fits
What are some of this person's strengths? 2 sentences please
Great Job!
What are some of their strengths? 2 sentences please
Great Job!
What are some of this person's strengths? 2 sentences please
Great Job!
Someone who enjoys time alone, prefers writing to talking, and might be less talkative is called...
An introvert
Someone who enjoys meeting people, making new friends, and is outgoing is called...
An extrovert
Please read the sentence ____ ________.
out loud
____ __ ______ __ __ ___, the test is in less than a week.
Whether you believe it or not
__________ ___ _____, Emma Watson is 34 years old.
Amazingly but true
What's another word for reduce?
decrease, lower, lessen
Which is not another word for overcome?
deal with
get over
Despite her _________, Thalita was able to compete in the Olympics.
The actor found ways to _________ his learning disability.
________ _______ this building is more than 300 years old!
Surprisingly enough
Do ____ _____ ____ the new kdrama?
you know about
Write 2 compliments about a member of the team next to you.
Full sentences!
___ ___________ ____ ___ study the vocabulary before the test.
It's important that you
When you don't know what you like, it can be helpful to ___________ many different things.
What is not another word for recognize?
What is the opposite of childish?
What's another word for praise?
________ __ __ ___, my brother is 192cm tall.
Believe it or not
_____ ___ _____ _____ the taekwondo festival this weekend?
Have you heard about