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Modern History Abeka ch 14

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the name of the exhibition in 1893 in Chicago?
The World's Fair
Thomas Edison believed that genius was 1% _____ and 99% _______.
inspiration, perspiration
Name one school that opened to help train medical workers in the late 1800's?
Bellevue Hospital (1st school of nursing); Johns Hopkins Medical School, and Provident Hospital
Name two important medical developments in the late 1800's. (& say what they each mean)
antiseptic (germ killing) solutions, anesthetics (painkillers)
What is the name of the idea in Adam Smith's WEALTH OF NATIONS and how was it used by the founders of the U.S.?
Free enterprise, Constitution writers protected the idea of trade with little government regulations
What did Lyman Stewart do differently than other oil entrepreneurs; where was his company?
He drilled deeper than others; he established the Union Oil Company of California
Who founded the Standard Oil company in Ohio and became the richest person in America?
John D. Rockefeller
Explain what Drake's folly was and where it was located.
Colonel Edwin Drake was the first to drill for oil in Titusville, PA. People made fun of him for it.
Who invented the inexpensive process of turning iron ore into steel?
Sir Henry Bessemer
What industry and what practice was Andrew Carnegie famous for?
Steel and philanthropy
What was needed inside of the tall buildings and who invented the safe version of these?
Elisha Otis; the safety elevator
Who was the architect who helped with rebuilding Chicago and what all-steel framed building was he known for designing?
Louis Sullivan; Wainwright building
What made Chicago the perfect place to try out the new types of buildings known as _____?
It was a major city and needed to be rebuilt after a fire in 1871; skyscrapers
Mr. & Mrs. Roebling helped, one with the design, the other with building what (name and type)?
The Brooklyn Bridge, a suspension bridge
Before George Eastman's invention, what was difficult about taking photographs?
cameras were bulky& expensive, camera person had to be under a cloth, subject had to stay still
Who studied horticulture and developed the idea of crop rotation to replenish depleted soil?
George Washington Carver
How did Christopher Sholes' invention affect businesses and books?
The first commercial typewriter made it so businesses hired women as secretaries and books could be typed.
What was Nikola Tesla known for?
AC or Alternating Current and the Tesla coil
What did Lewis Latimer draft for some famous inventors?
Name three of Thomas Edison's inventions
electric light bulb, phonograph, motion picture machine, electric generator, etc.
Who helped Alexander Graham Bell with his invention?
Thomas Watson who made the electrical parts for the telephone.
What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?
the telephone