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Emotional regulation

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You want to play bowling but your friend wants to play laser. You have ADHD.
Come to a compromise - play one game today and next time
Get angry and do not play the game they want to play
Paul is nervous about speaking in front of the class. Paul has autism.
Take deep breaths and think positive
Refuse to speak at all,  do not make eye contact
Your friend forgets to give you money that he owes. You have ADHD.
Ask them politely
Get angry and say I don't trust you
Your friend asks you to read aloud a funny story  in class. You have dyslexia.
Do not let it bother you, talk to your mum after the class.
Throw the book away, get upset and shout at your friend.
Alan is feeling sad because he is being left out. Alan has ADHD.
Approach the group and ask if they can join in.
Sit alone and pout, complain to a grown-up but not make an e
Josh didn't make the sports team but his friend did.
Talk to their parents or coach about how they can improve fo
Sulk and refuse to engage in any other activities, blame the
Luke is sad because his friend didn't invite him to a birthday party.
Talk to their friend and ask why they weren't invited, consi
Cry and refuse to play with that friend again, spread rumors
Lucy s frustrated because she doesn't know how to do an equation.
Ask for some help
Cry and get mad
Ryan is upset because he lost a game.
Take a deep breath
Throw a tantrum