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Cellular structure and function

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..................... contributes to the fluidity of the plasma membrane
What kind of transport is this ?
Active transport
What kind of diffusion is this ?
simple diffusion
What kind of cell that have membrane-bound organelles ?
Eukaryotic cell
What kind of microscope that directs electrons over the surface of the specimen, producing a three-dimensional image
SEM " scanning electron microscope "
What kind of cell is this
Eukaryotic cell
What is the name of this structure?
A key property of the plasma membrane is
selective permeability
Together, the phospholipids in the bilayer create a “sea” in which other molecules can float, like apples floating in a barrel of water creating a model called
The fluid mosaic model
label part B
Transport protein
What is the function of part D ?
Cell's identity
Molecules that have oppositely charged region
Polar Molecules
What are the two kinds of transport protein
carriers and channels
What kind of diffusion that substances uses transport proteins to move the substance across the plasma membrane
Facilitated diffusion
The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
Energy is required for diffusion because the particles already are in motion ( T \ F )
uphill transport is called
Active transport
kind of transport that diffuse down concentration gradient From (high) concentration to (low) concentration
Passive transport
What are the principles of the cell theory ?
All living organisms are composed of one or more cells , Cells are the basic unit of structure of all living organisms , Cells arise only from previously existi
He was the first to observe a living cell
Anton Van leeuwenhoek
organisms with only one cell are called .........................
A cell was first discovered by
Robert hook
what did robert hook use to observe the cell ................
is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms
The cell