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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What would be the best and worst part of living with your best friend?
What do you think makes a home feel welcoming and cozy?
How do you handle conflicts with people you live with?
How do you think living with someone can change your daily habits?
Would you rather live with a friend or a stranger? Why?
How would you divide household chores between roommates?
What’s more important: having a clean home or a quiet home?
Do you prefer living alone or with someone else? Why?
What habits would you find annoying in a housemate?
What qualities do you look for in an ideal roommate?
What household chores do you enjoy or dislike?
Do you like having guests at your house? Why or why not?
How important is having outdoor space, like a garden or balcony, for you?
What would you change about your current home if you could?
Do you like living in a city or in the countryside? Explain your choice.
Where do you spend most of your time at home? Why?
What is the most important thing to have in a kitchen?
How do you decorate your room? What style do you like?
What kind of furniture do you think is necessary in a bedroom?
Do you prefer modern or traditional home designs? Why?
How would you describe your dream home?
What is the most important room in a home, in your opinion?
Do you prefer living in a big house or a small apartment? Why?
How many rooms does your house have?
What is your favorite room in your house and why?