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6 ep Unit 3 continued...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This word means to be kept safe.
What type of penguin is this?
An African penguin
What is the world's largest animal?
The antarctic blue whale
What is this?
An arctic fox
What type of albatross is this?
An atlantic albatross
What type of dolphin is this?
A chinese river dolphin
An _______________species is any type of plant or animal that is in danger of disappearing forever
What is this?
A European Bison
Dinosaurs are no longer living/around, they are _________________.
What is this?
An Iberian Lynx
When animals are free from captivity they are in ____________________.
The wild
You must __________________ after yourselves when you make a mess.
Clean up
________________________ too many trees can lead to deforestation.
Cutting down
You should ___________________ not throw away old toys and clothes.
Give away
She is ____________________ (put) nail polish.
Putting on
The 3 r's are: Reduce, Reuse and__________________.
Before throwing stuff away you should ____________ the things in proper bins.
Sort out
Tirar a la basura means ________________________ in English?
Throw away
Trash/ garbage is also called _____________.
This is a place that an animal lives. It provides the animal with food, water and shelter.
CO2 stands for what?
Carbon Dioxide
This happens when gases, smoke and chemicals are introduced into the environment in large doses that makes it harmful for humans, animals and plants.
The process that causes the Earth's temperature to rise and makes the Earth warmer.
global warming
Santuario in English