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Animal Riddles

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This pink animal lives on a farm and isn't very clean.
It's a very big, orange and black cat.
a tiger
This animal is "the king of the jungle".
a lion
People rode this animal before they had cars.
a horse
This animal is a long, thin reptile, and many people are scared of them.
a snake
It's a very big, gray animal from Africa or India.
a rhinoceros
The plural of this animal is mice.
a mouse
These animals give milk that people drink.
a cow / a goat
This animal has a very long neck and lives in Africa.
a giraffe
The cartoon character Bugs Bunny is one of these.
a rabbit
This animal can live for 2 weeks without water.
a camel
This animal lives in the ocean and it's very smart.
a dolphin
It's an insect that makes honey. It's yellow and black.
a bee
This animal lives in Australia and carries its baby in a pocket.
a kangaroo