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Opposites and Comparatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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K2 is a very high mountain, but Mount Everest is __________ _________ K2.
higher than
K2 is a HIGH mountain, but it is .......... ..........Mount Everest is.
lower than
Russell is ___________ __________ Muscle Man.
weaker than
2+2=4 is ____________ than 235 x 57+251.
A plane ticket to Israel is more expensive than a ticket to Cancun. A plane ticket to Cancun is _________ than a ticket to Israel.
cheaper/more economical
What is the opposite of difficult?
This tree is ____________ __________ the giraffe.
taller than
This monkey is _________ _________ the rabbit. (ugly)
uglier than
This rabbit is _________ _________ the monkey. (cute)
cuter than
Coffee is _________ ________ ice-cream.
hotter than
The winter is ________ ________ the summer.
colder than
What is the opposite of hot?
What is the opposite of cold?
This giraffe is ____________ __________ the tree.
shorter than
The Empire State Building is __________ ________ the Eiffel Tower.
taller than
What is the opposite of sad?
What is the opposite of happy?
What is the opposite of ugly?
What is the opposite of good?
Musle Man is ___________ __________ Russell.
stronger than
The grandmother is ________ than the baby.
The baby is ________ ________his grandfather.
younger than
A Ferrari is ________  ______ a cheetah.
faster than
A turtle is ________  than a cheetah.