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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We're going all out to ________ Halloween with costumes and decorations!
This autumn, we should travel to the __________ to enjoy the fresh air.
Let's go to the __________ for a peaceful walk and enjoy the fall colors.
I want to take __________ of autumn views to capture the beauty of the season.
We’re going ___________ picking in the forest tomorrow morning.
How about we organise a _________ under the autumn trees this weekend?
It’s raining outside, time to wear rain _________ and jump in some puddles!
I spent the whole weekend binge-________ series while curled up on the couch.
I think I’ll try __________ or crocheting to make a cozy scarf this season.
Let's get have some adventure and visit a __________ maze this Saturday.
I can’t wait to go to a fall __________ and buy fresh apples and spices.
This weekend, we're going to carve a _________ for Halloween decorations.
It's the perfect time to take an evening ________ through the city.
We're going to bake an _________ _________ this afternoon, the kitchen will smell amazing!
Tonight, I’ll light a scented _________ and relax with a good book.
Pick colorful fall _________ from the ground.
Relax and read while cozy under a _________
This is a hot drink that tastes like chocolate with milk
hot cocoa