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Spotlight 5 Module 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Расставьте слова по порядку. three/ flat / Their / got / rooms / has
Their flat has got three rooms.
Расставьте слова по порядку. paintings/ kitchen / any / Are / in / there / the/ ?
Are there any paintings in the kitchen?
Расставьте слова по порядку. a/ his / in / isn’t / bedroom / There / mirror
There isn't a mirror in his bedroom.
Расставьте слова по порядку. flat/ sixth / on / My / is / the / floor
My flat is on the sixth floor.
Расставьте слова по порядку. two/ living room / in / armchairs / are / There / our.
There are two armchairs in our living room.
Выберите правильный ответ: The desk is (next to/on/under) the bed.
next to
Выберите правильный ответ: Wendy has got a painting (on/in/in front of) the wall.
Выберите правильный ответ: The armchair is (in front of/behind/on) the fireplace.
in front of
Выберите правильный ответ: Dave’s trainers are (in/under/over) the bed.
Выберите правильный ответ: I have got a desk (under/in/on) my bedroom.
Поставьте числительное в правильной форме. The ___ (5) day of the week is Friday.
Поставьте числительное в правильной форме. His flat is on the ___ (2) floor.
Поставьте числительное в правильной форме. The History lesson is in Room ___ (3).
Поставьте числительное в правильной форме. Today is the ___ (12) of November.
Поставьте числительное в правильной форме. My sister is ___ (9) years old.
Заполните пропуск, используя: my / your / his / her / its / our / their. Dave has got a great bike. This is ______ bike.
Заполните пропуск, используя: my / your / his / her / its / our / their. My cat has got three toy mice. These are _____ toy mice.
Заполните пропуск, используя: my / your / his / her / its / our / their. My friends and I have got stamp collections. These are ________ stamp collections.
Заполните пропуск, используя: my / your / his / her / its / our / their. Girls have got many dolls. These are ________ dolls.
Заполните пропуск, используя: my / your / his / her / its / our / their. I have got an American watch. This is ____ American watch.
Заполните пропуск, используя: my / your / his / her / its / our / their. You and Nick have got the same key rings. These are ________ key rings.
Заполните пропуск, используя: my / your / his / her / its / our / their. Kate has got a new digital camera. This is _____ digital camera.
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: twentieth - twenty-first - sixth - two
two - два
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: sixteenth - twelve - eleven - fifteen
sixteenth - шестнадцатый
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: sofa - washbasin - toilet - bath
sofa - диван
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: fridge - book - table - cooker
book - книга
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: fridge – cooker – blackboard – table
blackboard - доска
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: computer – bookcase – radio – television
bookcase - книжный шкаф
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: bed – bedroom – wardrobe – carpet
bedroom - спальня
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: desk – coffee table – chair – table
chair - стул
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: dining room – garden – kitchen – bedroom
garden - сад
Выберите лишнее слово и переведите его: bath – sink – washbasin – mirror
sink - раковина (на кухне)