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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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VocĂȘ prometeu me comprar um anel de diamantes.
You promised to buy me a diamond ring.
Viajar pelo mundo requer muito tempo e dinheiro.
To travel around the world requires a lot of time and money.
Ele lembrou-se de enviar o fax.
He remembered to send the fax.
Algumas pessoas preferem levantar cedo de manhĂŁ.
Some people prefer getting up early in the morning / Some people prefer to get up early in the morning
Paul evita o uso de produtos quĂ­micos nos vegetais que ele cultiva.
Paul avoids using chemicals on the vegetables he grows.
Estou ansioso para ajudĂĄ-lo a pintar a casa.
I look forward to helping you paint the house.
Daniel parou de fumar hĂĄ um ano.
Daniel quit smoking a year ago.
Correr Ă© um hobby meu.
Jogging is a hobby of mine.
Ela nĂŁo queria ir primeiro.
She did not want to go first.
Eu nĂŁo finjo saber a resposta.
I do not pretend to know the answer.
PoderĂ­amos oferecer para mudar a hora da reuniĂŁo.
We could offer to change the time of the meeting.
Precisamos encontrar novos assuntos?
Do we need to find new subjects?
NĂłs aprendemos a proceder com cautela.
We have learned to proceed with caution.
O comitĂȘ espera decidir atĂ© amanhĂŁ.
The committee expects to decide by tomorrow.
Ela merece ter um bom trabalho.
She deserves to have a nice job.
VocĂȘ gostaria de responder? (care)
Would you care to respond?
Os professores concordaram em discordar.
The professors agreed to disagree.
NĂŁo podemos nos dar ao luxo de hesitar.
We cannot afford to hesitate.
Sugiro repetir o experimento.
I suggest repeating the experiment.
O escritor resiste a dar qualquer resposta fĂĄcil.
The writer resists giving any easy answers.
Ela recomenda ler Marx.
She recommends reading Marx.
Eles tinham planejado participar da conferĂȘncia.
They had planned on attending the conference.
Eles discutiram a execução (run) dos experimentos novamente.
They discussed running the experiments again.
Eu finalmente completei a minha tese.
I finally completed writing my thesis.
Ele evitou responder Ă  minha pergunta.
He avoided answering my question.