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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After working on the project for hours, the team started to r_____out of steam and needed a break
The unexpected cancellation of the project really crushed the team s______ and left everyone feeling deflated.
He put his heart and s____l into the presentation, ensuring every detail was perfect.
To manage the project efficiently, she decided to break d______ the task into smaller subtasks and assign each one to different team members.
Before finalizing the project, she realized there were still a few l_____ends that needed to be addressed.
Sorry, can you ask Jim to help you. I have a relly p________ schedule.
Sorry , I can't do it . I have a lot on my p_______.
Teaching can be a challenging job, but seeing students succeed makes it incredibly r__________.
His desk was so c_________ with papers and files that he could barely find his laptop.
Give one similar phrase to say " You're welcome"
Before the meeting, Sarah took some time to b________ her team on the project updates and key points.
Attending global conferences helped e________ her personal perspective on how businesses operate in different cultures.
The company offers numerous developmental o___________to help employees grow both personally and professionally.
After moving to the new office, it took her a few weeks to s_____ in and adjust to the new environment.
After she completed the training , she realized the importance of teamwork in the workplace. (only after) make it with inversion
Only after completing the training did she realize the importance of teamwork in the workplace.
The company had never seen such rapid growth in such a short period of time. ( Never before) Make it with inversion
Never before had the company seen such rapid growth in such a short period of time.
To succeed in this industry, you need to have a p______ (love) for innovation and continuous learning.
Entrepreneurs must know how to deal with s______ (delays) and learn from them to improve.
After the product launch, their sales s________, exceeding all expectations.
I recommend you to discuss the project with the team before making any final decisions to ensure everyone's input is considered.
recommend discussing or recommend that you discuss
She admitted to having made a mistake, but she refused _________(accept) full responsibility for the situation.
refused to accept
The manager suggested _______(postpone) the meeting, yet insisted on discussing the key points beforehand.
suggested postponing