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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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No he isn't. He's reading a book.
Is he reading a magazine?
Yes, he is. He's writing a letter.
Is he writing a letter?
Yes, she is. She is riding a bicycle.
Is she riding a bicycle?
No, they aren't. They are playing soccer.
Are they playing basketball?
Yes, they are. They're drinking lemonade.
Are they drinking lemonade?
Yes, they are. They're wearing funny hats.
Are they wearing funny hats?
No, they aren't. They're looking at some pictures.
Are they looking at some movies?
Yes, they are. They're listening to the radio.
Are they listening to the radio?
Yes, she is. She is picking up her pencil.
Is she picking up her pencil?
No, he isn't. He's putting on his coat.
Is he putting on his shirt?
Yes, she is. She's taking off her shoes.
Is she taking off her shoes?
Yes, he is. He's turning on the faucet.
Is he turning on the faucet?
No, she isn't. She is turning off the light.
Is she turning on the light?
Yes, he is. He is pumping up the tires.
Is he pumping up the tires?
Yes, he is. He's blowing out the candles.
What are you doing(giving)?