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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When can hurricane names be repeated?
The names can only be repeated after six years.
The names can only be repeated after 30 years.
What is a storm surge?
When the high winds drive the sea toward the shore.
When the high winds drive the sea away from the shore.
When is hurricane season?
June 1-November 30
January 1-April 30
How fast can wind speed reach during a Hurricane?
200 miles per hour
20 miles an hour
When do hurricanes become dangerous?
When they move towards land
When they are in the ocean
What is the center of a hurricane called?
The “eye“ of the storm
The "head" of the storm
Where do hurricanes form?
Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters near the equator.
Hurricanes form over land.
Hurricanes are giant tropical storms that produce heavy rainfall and super-strong winds.