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Social Studies Ancient Civ

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What is one lasting impact of the Neolithic revolution?
The creation of cities and civilizations; The invention of the wheel; The development of advanced technology; The disappearance of written language
What is one outcome of the development of early civilizations?
Increase in cultural exchange; Decrease in trade; Decline in population; Absence of social structure
What is one example of an early civilization in Egypt?
Pharaohs; Babylonians; Assyrians; Persians
What is one example of an early civilization in the Indus Valley?
Harappans; Mayans; Aztecs; Incas
What is one example of an early civilization in the Middle East?
Sumerians; Greeks; Romans; Vikings
Which region is associated with the birth of the first civilizations?
Middle East (Fertile Crescent); South America; Europe; Africa
What is one characteristic of the Bronze Age?
Utilization of bronze tools and weapons; Exclusive use of stone tools; Development of written language; Absence of cities and civilizations
What is one possible reason for the development of agriculture and civilization?
Changing climate; Advances in technology; Decrease in population; Lack of resources
What is one reason why trade between civilizations was time-consuming and sometimes dangerous?
The lack of established trade routes; The abundance of resources in each civilization; The absence of written language; The decline of population
What is one product that was commonly traded between civilizations?
Spices; Stone tools; Animal hides; Wooden sculptures
What is one factor that contributed to the development of early trade networks?
The surplus of goods and specialized tradesmen; The invention of the wheel; The discovery of fire; The decline of civilizations
Which civilization is considered to be the first true civilization?
Mesopotamian civilization; Indus Valley civilization; Egyptian civilization; Chinese civilization
What is a characteristic of a civilization?
The existence of different cities; The absence of a governing body; The lack of a shared religion; The absence of written language
What major change occurred during the Neolithic revolution?
The domestication of animals and the practice of agriculture; The invention of the wheel; The discovery of fire; The development of writing
What is the Neolithic revolution also known as?
The Agricultural Revolution; The Stone Age; The Paleolithic era; The Bronze Age
What region is believed to be the birthplace of the Neolithic revolution?
Middle East (Fertile Crescent); South America; Europe; Africa
When did the Neolithic revolution likely begin?
Around 10000 BC; Around 5000 BC; Around 1000 BC; Around 500 AD