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Simple Machines

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Where is the the U.S.'s oldest rollercoaster, "Leap The Dips", built in 1902.
Where would you feel the least amount of g-forces on a rollercoaster?
At the top of the 2nd hill
At the top of the 1st hill
At the bottom of the 1st hill
In the middle of a loop
What is the name of this coaster found at King's Dominion? It is the tallest and fastest at that park.
Project 305 or Intimidator 305
Twisted Timbers
What is the name of this coaster found at Hershey Park? It is the tallest and fastest at Hershey Park 210 feet tall and 76 MPH.
Cocoa Cruiser
Laff Trakk
What is the name of this coaster, the biggest at Adventure Park in New Market?
Wild West Express
Monrovia Mauler
New Market Rocket
Frederick Fire Storm
What is this coaster called; found at Knoebels amusements in PA?
Flying Turns
Canyon Blaster
Wicked Cyclone
Where were roller coasters first built?
Hershey Park
Kings Dominion
Disney World
In which part of a rollercoaster will a rider experience the most g-forces?
At the bottom of the first hill
As the coaster is being pulled up the first hill
At the crest of the second hill
As the coaster is going down the first hill
The force experienced by riders which creates sensations of being pushed into the seat during sharp turns or drops, or feeling weightless at the top of a loop
Name three criteria of your rollercoaster design challenge.
1. Needs either a turn or a loop 2. Must be at least 24" of track length 3.At some point the track needs to be below the finish 4. ball needs to land in cupa
What type of energy increases as a rollercoaster picks up speed as it descends a hill?
Kinetic Energy
When does a typical rollercoaster have the most potential energy?
At the top of the first hill.
What is the fixed support called that a lever arm sits on?
fulcrum or pivot point
What simple machine is used to lift sails on a boat?
What simple machine is a hand cranked pencil sharpener?
wheel and axle
the measure of the force amplification achieved by using a tool, mechanical device or machine system.
mechanical advantage
What ancient Greek philosopher identified the lever, pulley and the screw as simple machines?
Archimedes (287-212 bc)
What do the letters in the formula W = F x D stand for?
Work= Force x Distance
What are the 2 things that must occur in order for work to have been done?
1. The object must move 2. The direction of the object's motion is the same as the direction of the force.
What is done when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force?
What simple machine is a knife?
What simple machine are stairs?
incline plane
What type of simple machine is a jar lid?
What type of simple machine is a slide?
incline plane
What simple machine are tweezers?