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Dawan Elementary School Campus

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 Private  Unlisted  Public

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your favorite school?
My favorite school is Dawan Elementary school.
Where is it?
It's the toilet.
Where is it?
It's the school entrance.
What is your favorite place at school?
My favorite place is the playground at school.
What can you do at the playground?
I can roller blade.
What is your favorite place at school?
My favorite place is the library.
What can you do in the library?
I can read a lot of books.
What is your favorite place at school?
My favorite place is the gym.
What can you do in the gym?
I can play basketball.
What is your favorite place at school?
My favorite place is the dance studio.
What can you do at the dance studio?
I can dance with my classmates.
What is your favorite place at school?
My favorite place is the corridor.
What can you do in the corridor?
I can enjoy the scenery of the school.
What is your favorite place at school?
My favorite place is the audio-visual classroom.
What can you do in the Audio-Visual classroom?
I can watch some videos in the audio-visual classroom.
What is your favorite place at school?
My favorite place is the classroom.
What can you do in the classroom?
I can chat with my classmates and take many interesting class.