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Common Quiz 2 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fill in the blank: The rabbit is ____ a duck. (with, from, on, are, you)
Fill in the blank: The cat is ___ the table. (with, from, on, are, you)
Fill in the blank: Do ____ like Manga? (with, from, on, are, you)
Fill in the blank: He is ____ Texas. (with, from, on, are, you)
Fill in the blank: They _____ happy. (with, from, on, are, you)
The prefix tri- means
The prefix bi- means:
The prefix micro- means _____.
Things calm down in this part of the story: _____ (Las cosas se calman en esta parte de la historia: _____)
falling action
The characters face a lot of challenges and suspense in the ____. (Los personajes enfrentan muchos desafíos y suspenso en ____.)
rising action
The start of the conflict is called the _____. (El inicio del conflicto se llama _____.)
initiating event
The turning point in the story is the _____. (El punto de inflexión en la historia es el _____.)
You learn about the setting and characters in the ____ (Aprenderás sobre los personajes y el entorno en _____)
The END of the story is the ____ (El FINAL de la historia es ____)
The bad guy who creates conflict for the main character is this ____ )(El malo que crea conflicto para el personaje principal es este ____)
The main character (hero) of the story is the ______. (El personaje principal (héroe) de la historia es el ______.)
What the FIVE senses an author describes when using imagery? (¿Cuáles son los CINCO sentidos que describe un autor cuando utiliza imágenes?)
smell, taste, touch, sound, sight
What type of conflict?
man vs. society
What type of conflict?
man vs. supernatural
What type of conflict?
man vs. self
What type of conflict?
man vs. technology
What type of conflict?
man vs. nature
What type of conflict?
man vs. man
Setting is _____ and ______ a story takes place. (El escenario es _____ y ​​______ tiene lugar una historia.)
where and when
The main character (hero) of the story is the ______. (El personaje principal (héroe) de la historia es el ______.)