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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A lion, an elephant, a tiger, a giraffe, a zebra, a bear, a leopard, a kangaroo, a crocodile, and a monkey.
Apple, banana, orange, strawberry, grape, pineapple, mango, kiwi, pear, and cherry.
Apple, banana, orange, strawberry, grape, pineapple, mango, kiwi, pear, and cherry.
CHANGE THE SENTENCE: There are many shops in the shopping center.
There are not many shops in the shopping center - Are there many shops in the shopping center?
CHANGE THE SENTENCE: There is a museum near the town square.
There is not a museum near the town square - Is there a museum near the town square?
CHANGE THE SENTENCE: There are three restaurants on this street.
There are not three restaurants on this street - Are there three restaurants on this street?
CHANGE THE SENTENCE: There is a park in the city.
There is not a park in the city - Is there a park in the city?
TRANSLATE: Él tiene el pelo corto, liso y negro, y los ojos azules
He has short, straight black hair and blue eyes.
TRANSLATE: Él tiene el pelo corto, liso y negro, y los ojos azules
He has short, straight black hair and blue eyes.
TRANSLATE: Ella tiene el pelo ondulado, medio y rojo, y los ojos grises
She has wavy, medium-length red hair and grey eyes.
TRANSLATE: Él tiene el pelo rizado, largo y rubio, y los ojos marrones.
He has curly, long blonde hair and brown eyes.
TRANSLATE: Ella tiene el pelo liso, corto y castaño, y los ojos verdes
She has straight, short brown hair and green eyes.
TRANSLATE: Él lleva una chaqueta azul, una camiseta blanca y unos pantalones cortos verdes.
He is wearing a blue jacket, a white t-shirt, and green shorts.
TRANSLATE: Ella tiene un abrigo rosa, una bufanda gris y unos guantes negros.
She has a pink coat, a gray scarf, and black gloves.
TRANSLATE: Él lleva una camisa de cuadros, unos pantalones vaqueros y unas botas marrones
He is wearing a checked shirt, jeans, and brown boots.
TRANSLATE: Ella lleva una blusa azul, una falda blanca y unos zapatos rojos.
She is wearing a blue blouse, a white skirt, and red shoes.
TRANSLATE: Ella lleva puesto una falda azul, una camiseta blanca y unas zapatillas negras.
She is wearing a blue skirt, a white t-shirt, and black sneakers.
Write 5 words starting with the letter P
Pen, pig, park, plate, piano
Write 5 words starting with the letter I
Ice, island, insect, igloo, idea
Write 5 words starting with the letter T
Table, tree, tiger, toy, train
Write 5 words starting with the letter S
Sun, school, snake, star, shoe
Write 5 words starting with the letter H
House, hat, horse, hand, hill
Write 5 words starting with the letter E
Elephant, egg, ear, eye, earth
Write 5 words starting with the letter D
Dog, door, doll, desk, day.
Write 5 words starting with the letter C
Cat, car, cake, chair, city.
Write 5 words starting with the letter B
Ball, bird, book, bag, baby.
Write 5 words starting with the letter A
Apple, animal, air, answer, afraid
Write this number 1267
One thousand two hundred sixty-seven
Write this number 491
Four hundred ninety-one
Write this number 675
Six hundred seventy-five
Write this number 980
Nine hundred eighty
Write this number 546
Five hundred forty-six