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Class 4-2 Beginning of the Year Game

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many gems can we earn for walking in the hallways in our lines?
If you could have any classroom job which one would you want?
What is a positive affirmation that you can say about yourself?
There is a gym and an auditorium together in the school. What do they call this area?
Name one of the class rules.
Name one thing that always goes in your seat sack.
Red folder or science and social studies things.
Give three things the class can do to earn gems.
What is the name of the Principal and Assistant Principal?
Ms. Militello and Ms. Pergola
Name as many classmates as you can who have a name that starts with the letter B.
Brielle, Ben, Birdley, Bowie, Bentley
Name all of the students at TEAM 1 without looking at their name tags.
Do we have lunch or recess first?
Name the preps that we only have once per week.
Band, Science and Art
During "Common Thread" which team said that they have all touched a snake?
Team 4!
How does your teacher get your attention when needed? Give an example.
She claps and we clap back!
How do we sharpen pencils in our classroom?
Ms. Porto prefers that we don't sharpen them but take a new one when needed.
When are you allowed to use the bathroom? What are the procedures for a bathroom break?
You can go when you need to go as long as two or more people are not out of the room. You have to use the bathroom signal and then sign out.