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1 and conditionals

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Якби сьогодні не було дощу, я б не брала парасольки.
If today wasn't rainy, I wouldn't take the umbrella with me.
Якщо квитки будуть дешеві, я поїду в тур з вами.
If the tickets are cheap, I will go on tour with you.
Якби мій колега не запитав мене, я б забув про ці документи.
If my coallegue didn't ask me, I would forget about these documents.
Якщо я захочу залишитися в цьому місті, куплю квартиру.
If I want to stay in this city, I will buy a flat.
Якби ти був розумніший, ти б цього не зробив!
If you were smarter, you wouldn't do it.
If she wants to go with us, we could buy one more ticket for her.
we can
If you are late, we will don't wait for you.
we won't
If my English was perfect, I would can live in Britain.
I would live / I could
If I will have prolonged weekend, I will go to the countryside.
If I have
Would you be happier if you have well-paid job?
If you had
If I had summer holidays, I _______ (go) to Barcelona.
would go
If you tell you something about Stephen, _________ (keep) it as a secret?
will you keep
If I _______ (be) retired, I would travel around the world.
If we weren’t married, I ________(not have to) cook every day.
didn't have to
If Mike ________ (come) back home late, will his wife shout at him?