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Common Irregular Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nick ...  a new laptop last month. (not get)
didn't get
My friend .... to the concert because she had to do housework. (not go)
didn't go
We ... outside yesterday because the weather was awful. (not be)
Max ...  his homework because he spent 5 hours playing video games. (not do)
didn't do
Mary ... how to make a birthday cake. (not know)
didn't know
... our parents ... the presents under the Christmas tree? (find)
Did, find
... Anna ... to your birthday party? (come)
Did, come
... they ... you instructions on how to open the box? (give)
Did, give
... he ... new shoes yesterday as he was shopping? (buy)
Did, buy
... you ... any problems with your homework? (have)
Did, have
My bestie ... me a hand with my homework. I really appreciated it. (give)
I ... my nails yesterday. They look perfect! (do)
My brother ... this book on the table. (find)
My family and I ... to the supermarket to choose the best ingredients for a cake. (go)
I ... five classes today at school and I ... only one excellent mark for Math. (have, get)
had, got
Tom ... the answer, but he didn't say a word. (know)
We ... friends when we studied at school. (be)
My dad ... home when I was watching TV. (come)
They .... a new house. (buy)