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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Free, you win 15 points!
the place where you buy bread
the place where you buy meat
the place where you buy meat
She's .....................singer in the world (good)
the best
My computer is................than yours (old)
Tom is ........................Juan. Both are 1.60
as tall as
.................. you with the lamp? ................. any help with the lamp?
Can I help you with the lamp? Do you need any help with the lamp?
A person who helps a lot is ...................
............the dog/ ................out the washing /...........your T-shirt /...............your bed/ put ...........your clothes/ set the ........../take ......the rubbish .......your room ,.......the plants
feed the dog/ hang out the washing/ iron your T-shirt / make your bed/ put away your clothes/set the table/ water the plants/ take out the rubbish
Mention 5 places in town
bank café cinema hospital hotel museum park restaurant stadium theatre
bad ............ good......... excited...... worried ......interested...., scared.....
bad at good at excited about worried about interested in scared
She.....................(be) in Brazil last year
Mention 5 subjects
Art Computer studies English Geography History Maths Music P.E. Science
Lose 5 points
Mention 5 jobs
artist builder bus driver chef doctor farmer footballer nurse office worker pilot police officer shop assistant singer teacher vet