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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many feathers does an adult turkey have? (400, 1800, 3500)?
Who is older: Nick... or all of the kids added up together?
Nick! (but not for much longer)
In bowling, what is a "Turkey"?
Scoring 3 strikes in a row
Tell a corny Thanksgiving joke.
That was a turkey for sure.
Use your non-dominant hand to draw a turkey. Show everyone!
It was supposed to be a turkey, not a sagging ghost!
Make four words from the letters in THANKSGIVING
if you found "vanishing", well done.
In what century did Thanksgiving become a National Holiday?
The 20th Century (1941)
Give Gran a compliment
For the rest of the game, the only words you can say are "gobble, gobble"
Find two things in your house that rhyme with "meat".
feet? treat? sweet? obselete tweet?
Which two football teams always play on Thanksgiving?
The Detriot Lions and Dallas Cowboys
What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?
What is the capital of Turkey (the country)?
Describe your favorite Thanksgiving dish.
oh man. Is it time to eat yet?
Share something that you are grateful for.
Good answer!
True or False: Auntie Claire makes the best stuffing
TRUE (duh!)