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Area of quadrilaterals

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IR is 13.9. What is the perimeter?
55.6 cm.
IR is 7. What is the perimeter?
28 cm.
IR is 9.2. What is the perimeter?
36.8 cm.
IR is 6. What is the perimeter?
24 cm.
OP is 62.3. What is the perimeter?
249.2 cm.
OP is 62.3. What is the perimeter?
249.2 cm.
OP is the number of provinces in Thailand. What is the perimeter?
304 cm.
OP is 4.4. What is the perimeter?
17.6 cm.
OP is 12. What is the perimeter?
48 cm.
AB is 4.2 cm. BC is 5.5 cm. CD is 10.9 cm. DA is 6.6 cm. What is the perimeter?
27.2 cm.
AB is 12 cm. BC is 18 cm. CD is 22 cm. DA is 18 cm. What is the perimeter?
70 cm.
AB is 5 cm. BC is 8 cm. CD is 15 cm. DA is 9 cm. What is the perimeter?
37 cm.
AB is 4 cm. BC is 5 cm. CD is 8 cm. DA is 6 cm. What is the perimeter?
23 cm.
LI is 8.5 cm. LE is 4.5 cm. What is the perimeter?
26 cm.
LI is 7.2 cm. LE is 4 cm. What is the perimeter?
22.4 cm.
LI is 12 cm. LE is 8 cm. What is the perimeter?
40 cm.
RA is 7 cm. AP is 15 cm. What is the perimeter?
44 cm.
RA is 6 cm. AP is 12 cm. What is the perimeter?
36 cm.
RA is 6 cm. AP is 12 cm. What is the perimeter?
36 cm.
RA + TP is 30 cm. What is the perimeter?
60 cm.
TR is 5cm. TP is 8cm. What is the perimeter?
26 cm.
AB is 4 cm. DC is 12 cm. Height is 6 cm.
48 cm.
AB is 3 cm. DC is 6 cm. Height is 4 cm.
18 cm.
TA is 6.7 cm. RP is 9 cm. What is the area?
30.15 cm.
TA is 3 cm. RP is 6 cm. What is the area?
9 cm.
TA is 64 cm. RP is 72 cm. What is the area?
2304 cm.
TA is 7 cm. RP is 13 cm. What is the area?
45.5 cm.
OE is 9 cm. PN is 5.6 cm. What is the area?
25.2 cm.
OE is 8 cm. PN is 3 cm. What is the area?
12 cm.
OP is 9.2 cm. Height is 4 cm. What is the area?
36.8 cm.
OP is 12 cm. Height is 5 cm. What is the area?
60 cm.
EK is 8 cm. Height is 7 cm. What is the area?
56 cm.
EK is 6 cm. Height is 4 cm. What is the area?
24 cm.
Height is 8 cm. LI is 15.2 cm. What is the area?
121.6 cm.
LE is 4 cm. EK is 3 cm more than IK. The height is 3.5 cm. What is the area?
24.5 cm.
QR is 12 cm. What is the area?
72 cm.
QA is 5 cm. What is the area?
25 cm.
CD is 8.3 cm. BC is 3 cm. AB is 7.2 cm. Height is 0.6 more than CB. What is the area?
27.9 cm.
The area is 80 km. AB is 18 km. DC is 22 km. What is the height?
4 km.
DC is 7.4 cm. AB is 3.2 cm. The height is 4.5 cm. What is the area?
23.85 cm.
DC is 8 cm. AB is 4 cm. The height is 5 cm. What is the area?
30 cm.
The area is 75 cm. TA is 7.5 cm. How long is PR?
20 cm.
The area is 44 cm. RP is 11 cm. How long is AT?
8 cm.
PR is 152 km. AT is 102 km less than PR. What is the area?
3,800 km.
PR is 12 cm. AT is 4 cm less than PR. What is the area?
48 cm.
RP is 9 cm. TA is 4.2 cm. What is the area?
18.9 cm.
RP is 8 cm. TA is 3 cm. What is the area?
12 cm.
ON is 8 cm. The height is 3 cm. What is the area?
24 cm.
OE is 8.9 cm. PN is 5.2 cm. What is the area?
23.14 cm.
OE is 5.3 cm. PN is 4 cm. What is the area?
10.6 cm.
OP is 200 cm. The height is Phudis' height in cm. What is the area?
OP is 3 cm. The height is 2.5 cm. What is the area?
7.5 cm.
EL is 5 cm. KE is 9 cm. Height is 6 cm. What is the area?
54 cm.
LI is 15.4 cm. LE is 5.3 cm. The height is 0.8 cm more than IK. What is the area?
93.94 cm
LI is 7 cm. LE is 3 cm. The height is 0.5 cm more than IK. What is the area?
24.5 cm
LI is 24 cm. The height is 7 cm. What is the area?
168 cm.
MI is 5 cm. LI is 3 cm. What is the area?
MI is 6.7 cm. LI is 2.3 cm. What is the area?
15.41 cm.
MI is 15 cm. IL is 4.3 cm. What is the area?
64.5 cm.
QR is 15.5 cm. What is the area?
116.25 cm.
IA is 4 cm. What is the area?
8 cm.
IQ is 23 cm. What is the area?
529 cm.
RA is 4 1/2 cm. What is the area?
20 1/4 cm.
ME = 3 cm. EL = 8 cm. What is the area?
24 cm.
IR is 10 cm. What is the area?
100 cm.
OE is 5.3 cm. PN is 4 cm. What is the area?
10.6 cm.