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Properties of matter

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What phase change happens in a Dry ice?
Which is more dense, a 1 meter log or a 20 peso coin?
20 peso coin
What is the volume of a cube if one of its side measures 3 cm?
27 cm3
Which of the following is a good conductor of heat? metal spoon, wooded spoon or plastic?
metal spoon
What is produced when an iron metal was exposed to rain and dry air?
What were the new product produced when a wood is burned?
ash, coal and smoke
What kind of change happens when a solid material melted and turn into liquid?
Physical-Phase Change (melting)
It is the ability of substances to react with bacteria such yeast producing new product.
The ability of materials to let water be attached to its surface making it move in an upward manner.
It is the ability of materials to absorb water for a period of time due to the presence of holes in it.
What is the boiling point of water?
100 degree celcius
It the ability of materials to dissolve in water.
It is the smoothness and roughness of material?
It is a property of material that means the ability to react with oxygen to produce fire.
Combustibility or flammability
The type of physical property of matter that changes with the change in the amount of matter?
Extrinsic property
The ability of materials to bend withour breaking.