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Math Review (Chapter 2)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Feni has 889 eggs in her basket. Round the number of eggs that Feni has to the nearest hundreds.
Gita has 250 stickers. Shani has 445 stickers. Gracia has 224 stickers. Who has the least amount of stickers?
Karina has 132 photocards. Freya has 111 photocards. Who has more photocards?
Which number is greater than 765? 750 or 780?
Which number is smaller than 373? 370 or 390?
876 = ___ + 70 + __
800 and 6
998 = 900 + ___ + __
90 + 8
Jehezkiel multiplies some numbers by 10. He concludes that when any number is muitiplied by 10, the answer is always an even number. Do you agree with him? Why?
Yes. Because the last digit of the answer is always 0. 0 is an even number.
Mr. Hanan wants to buy some whiteboards. Each whiteboard costs $37. How much does he have to pay for 10 whiteboards?
Multiply ___ by 10 and you will get 250.
56 x 10 = ...
78 x 10 = ...
For 204, the digit in tens place is
For 820, which digit is in the hundreds place?
For 521, the digit 2 is in the ____ place.