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Consumer Rights

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To make fabric or cloth by crossing threads over and under each other.
Having or showing confidence in one’s own powers, judgement, etc.
Combination of parts into a whole.
The Consumer Protection Act does not allow consumers to make choices.
A consumer’s right to compensation means they can get money for injuries caused by defective products.
If a product does not work properly, the store must always issue a refund.
Businesses do not have to provide instructions on how to use products.
Consumers have the right to receive a fair contract.
What is the purpose of a customer service department?
To listen to customer concerns
To sell more products
To avoid complaints
To increase prices
Which of the following must tools and appliances include for consumer protection?
Safety devices
User reviews
Company address
Price tags
What is the legal responsibility of manufacturers to make safe products called?
Product liability
Product marketing
Product design
Product warranty
What should all products be when used correctly?
Why do businesses compete with each other?
To offer better choices to consumers
To confuse consumers
To avoid paying taxes
To keep all products the same
What does the right to enjoy freedom in the choice of goods or services mean?
Consumers can choose from different products
Consumers must buy only one brand
Consumers cannot return products
Consumers must pay extra for better choices
Packaged foods must show all of the following except:
Manufacturing date
Company name
Main ingredient
What must drug companies list on every medicine package?
The complete contents
The price
The company logo
The expiration date
Which right allows consumers to receive correct and sufficient information about a product?
Right to information
Right to safety
ight to fair contracts
What does the Consumer Protection Act encourage businesses to do?
Produce beneficial and safe products
Ignore customer complaints
Increase product prices
Reduce product quality