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3rd Back to School

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What don't I need every day for class?
A cell phone
2 Notebooks
Colored pencils
What is an example of being respectful?
Staying muted when someone is talking
Stay unmuted
Talk when others are talking
Play music very loudly when someone is talking
Who is your science teacher?
Mrs. Compher
Mrs. Doolin
Mr. Cookie
Mrs. Ramsey
How do I see my grades?
Go to grades
You can't see them
It's a surprise
You don't have access
Does Mrs. Breitfeller like to read?
Who is my math teacher?
Mrs. Doolin
Mrs. Compher
Mrs. Breitfeller
Mrs. Smith
Where do I go to get to my work?
Class - launch - Modules
WIN time
Should I have a TV on in the background so my classmates and can see it?
What do I do if I got a low grade?
Do the assignment again
Move on
Skip it
How do you reach out to your teacher if you need help?
WIN (what I need)
You can't
Wait until the next day in class
Give up
What is NOT a norm?
What is a good way to get the teacher attention?
Raise your hand
Yell super loud
Stand on your head
Do nothing
Should you copy work from the internet word for word
What is NOT a rule?
Talk when others are talking
Stay muted
Be on time
Camera stays on
What is an example of being ready for class
Having a pencil
Coming in late
Camera is turned off
Not being muted