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7G1 Unit 1 Language Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give an example of a 'Stative verb' for senses.
Feel, Hear, See, Smell, Taste
Give an example of a 'Stative verb' for thinking.
Believe, Know, Remember, Think, Understand
Give an example of a 'Stative verb' for feeling or wanting.
Hate, Like, Love, Need, Prefer, Wish
Give an example of a 'Stative verb' for being and owning.
Be, Have, Own
After I fell in the water last Christmas, I ______ go near the lake in Winter. (Adv. freq.)
My Dad makes my Mum's favourite lunch every day, so she is _______ happy. (Adv. freq.)
We usually go on holiday ________ a year. (2x) (Adv. freq.)
Does she dance? (Negative)
No, she doesn't.
I'm seeing Taylor Swift in August, I'm really ________ about it! (Adj. + Prep.)
If you're ________ at something, you should keep doing it, and maybe do it for a job! (Adj. + Prep.)
If you're ______ at something, you should practice more! (Adj. + Prep.)
I've always been a_____ of spiders. They really creep me out. (Adj. + Prep.)
My best friend loves playing ball games and other outdoor activities. She’s also very good at them! (Adj.)
My friend feels nervous talking to people she doesn’t know. (adj.)
My brother never jokes or laughs about anything. (Adj.)
My friend never says ‘please’ or ‘thank you’, and is never polite. (Adj.)
My best friend is always making loud sounds. He’s so annoying! (Adj.)
That child is very active, always full of energy! (Adj.)
My brother never wants to help at home. Actually, he doesn’t like working at all! (Adj.)
My friend is always making people laugh with her jokes and comments. (Adj.)
My cousin is very intelligent. He learns things very quickly. (Adj.)
She’s always sure of her own ability to do things well. (Adj.)
My friend is very relaxed and never gets nervous or upset about anything. (Adj.)
My brother is annoying! He’s always telling me what to do. (Adj.)
The teacher_______(not/drive) a car, he rides a bike.
doesn't drive
How much water_______(you/drink) every day?
do you drink
___________(your friends/like) video games? Yes, they do!
Do your friends like
My brother _____________(always/help) me with my homework.
always helps
Why_____________(you/speak) so loud? I can hear you perfectly.
are you speaking
She_____________(have) a big dog
This year they___________(learn) French in a new school.
are learning
She_________(always / wear) jeans to school.
always wears
It_____________(rain) so take an umbrella.
is raining
__________(your sister/speak) English?
Does your sister speak
At the moment we_____________(stay) at my grandmother's flat
are staying
How often__________(you/cut) your hair?
do you cut
__________(you/listening) to me?
Are you listening
She_____________(not/like) Italian food
doesn't like
We_______(not/drink/usually) coffee in the morning.
don't usually drink
She _____________(have) a shower at the moment.
is having