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ACT Aspire Test Prep 4th Grade

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this a picture of?
What does it mean to estimate?
To get an answer that is close to or "about how much" the exact answer would be.
1 ½ + 2 ½ =
15/3 = ___ x 1/3
6 x ¾
9 X ½
What is the expanded form of 3,456
3,000 + 400 + 50 + 6
Is 7 a prime or composite number? How do you know?
It is prime because it only has 2 factors, 1 and itself.
What are the factors of 12?
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
Round 234,987 to the nearest hundred thousands place
Round 14,789 to the nearest thousands place
60 x 800 =
50 x 7
If there are 16 ounces in 1 pound, how many ounces are in 2 pounds?
32 ounces (16 x 2 = 32)
100,236 - 45,899
What fraction can be found at the dot on this number line?
Put the following fractions in order from least to greatest: 1/2, 2/8, 9/10
2/8, 1/2, 9/10
Using this line plot, how many pencils were greater than 3/8 but less than 3/4 inches in length?
5 pencils
This line plot shows how much apple juice was shared with a group of friends. How many friends had fewer than 2 2/4 cups of apple juice?
8 friends
This line plot shows how much apple juice was shared with a group of friends. How many friends had more than 1 2/4 cups of apple juice?
6 friends
This line plot shows how much apple juice was shared with a group of friends. How many friends had exactly 2 cups of apple juice?
3 friends
17 x 68 =
What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
What kind of angle is this?
What kind of angle is this?
What kind of angle is this?
What is this a picture of?
line segment
What is this a picture of?
What types of lines are these? parallel or perpendicular?
What types of lines are these? parallel or perpendicular?
Name a shape that has four right angles and four sides that are all the same length.
How many inches are in 10 feet?
120 inches
What is the difference between finding the area of a rectangle and perimeter? (How do you calculate both and what does it tell you?)
For perimeter you are adding all sides to see the distance around For area you multiply the length and width to see how much space is inside of the rectangle
Terrance goes to the show at the museum at 2:50. The show lasts for 35 minutes. Terrance leaves the museum 1 hour and 20 minutes after the show ends. At what time does Terrance leave the museum?
Is this image showing a line of symmetry?
Is this image showing a line of symmetry?
Is this image showing a line of symmetry?
What is a line of symmetry?
A line where you could fold the image and have both halves match exactly.
What is the difference between acute angles and obtuse angles?
Acute angles are less than 90 degrees and obtuse angles are more than 90 degrees. Acute angles are pinched closely together while obtuse angles are open wide.
How many feet can be made from 36 inches.
3 feet
How many inches are in 4 feet?
48 inches
What is the difference between a ray and a line segment?
A ray has one end point and goes on forever in the other direction. A line segment has two end points.
If a right angle is 90 degrees, a straight line is _______ degrees.
A right angle is _____ degrees.
What is the difference between a line and a line segment?
lines go on forever in both directions. Line segments have two end points.
How many inches are in a foot?
12 inches
How many ounces are in a pound?
16 ounces
What is the area of this shape?
24 yards squared
How many right angles does this shape have?
3 right angles
There are 21 students in Steven’s class. Is this number prime or composite? Explain.
Composite because it has more than two factors.
Rose mixes 1/8 cup of red poster paint with 5/8 cup of blue poster paint to make purple paint. How much purple paint will Rosa have? 3/4 or 3/8?
1/8 + 5/8 = 6/8. When you simplify 6/8 you will get 3/4
Compare the fractions 7/10 and 3/4
7/10 is less than 3/4
2/10 + 43/100 =
20/100 + 43/100 = 63/100
Alexis pours ¾ cup of juice into each of 5 glasses. How many cups of juice does Alexis pour in all?
3/12 + 2/12 =
Compare the decimals: 0.9 and 0.89
0.9 is greater than 0.89 because 9 tenths is greater than 8 tenths
What is the decimal form for the fraction 9/100
What is the fraction form for the decimal 0.9
Kara buys a package of walnuts that has a mass of 3/10 kilogram. She also buys a package of cranberries that has a mass of 60/100 kilogram. What is the total mass of both the walnuts and cranberries?
3/10 = 30/100 SO 30/100 + 60/100 = 90/100 kilogram
Of the books in Clara’s library, 0.7 are fiction. What fraction describes the part of the books in Clara’s library that are fiction?
Carla buys a piece of fabric that is 7/8 yard long. She needs to use only 5/8 yard of the fabric. How much fabric will Carla have left to use for another project?
2/8 yard of fabric
Scott uses 8/12 of a dozen eggs in the cake he is baking. Which is another fraction that also describes the part of a dozen eggs that Scott uses? 2/3 OR 1/4
Which of these numbers has the GREATEST number of factor pairs? 24 or 12
Ben practices the cello ½ hour every day. What is the amount of time Ben practices the cello in one week?
7/2 hours OR 3 ½ hour
Max rides his bike 30 miles on Saturday. This is 6 times as far as he rode on Friday. How far did Max ride on Friday?
5 miles (30 divided by 6 = 5 OR 5 x 6 = 30)
Jamal’s family is planning a trip to the Grand Canyon. They will drive 2,332 miles in 4 days to reach the canyon. They want to drive the same distance each day. How many miles should they plan to drive each day?
583 miles per day
Divide 3,507 by 9
389 r 6
Multiply: 95 x 83
Compare the following numbers: 456,897 and 437,999
456,897 > 437,999
Write 56,890 in expanded form.
50,000 + 6,000 + 800 + 90
Write two hundred five thousand, seventy in standard form.
Lorenzo has 26 Asian stamps. He has 4 times as many African stamps as Asian stamps. Find the total number of Asian AND African stamps that Lorenzo has.
26 x 4 = 104 African stamps. 104 + 26 = 130 total African AND Asian Stamps.
A hat costs $9.99. A shirt costs $24.54. If you pay for the items with two $20 bills, how much change will you receive?
A number has 4 in the thousands place. The number also has a digit whose value is 10 times the value of the 4 in the thousands place. Which could be number? four hundred forty-eight thousand OR five hundred forty four thousand
five hundred forty-four thousand
Andrea has 4 conch shells in her shell collection. She has 5 times as many scallop shells as conch shells. How many scallop shells does she have?
4 x 5 = 20 scallop shells
Mr. Martinez buys 4 laptops for his office. Each laptop costs $1,368. What is the total cost of the laptops?
432,507 + 296 + 8,361