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USHA Unit 4 Test Review

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This group of colonists formed in the 1770s to spread news about protests against the British.
Committees of Correspondence
These battles are considered the start of the Revolutionary War.
Battles of Lexington and Concord
This Revolutionary War battle in NY was turning point for the colonists and boosted moral.
Colonists gained greater control over the individual governments of the colonies following the French and Indian War. True or False?
Mercantilism was an economic system where the colonies existed to benefit the mother country (Great Britain). True or False?
Shay's Rebellion illustrated what about the Articles of Confederation?
That they were too weak and led to the creation of the Constitution
The Boston Port Act was an Intolerable Act that did not cut off international trade for the colonies. True or False?
The Quartering Act was an Intolerable Act where the British forced colonists to house British troops. True or False?
The New England Colonies had smaller farms to due the rocky terrain and colder weather conditions. True or False?
France supported the colonies during the Revolutionary War because it was unhappy about the territory it lost to Great Britain during the French and Indian War. True or False?
This group supported adding a Bill of Rights to the Constitution.
Revolutionary War Battle - victory in Virginia that forced the British to surrender.
Battle of Yorktown
This was the first government of the United States.
The Articles of Confederation
This man was the first secretary of the treasure, leading Federalist and advocated for a strong federal gov't.
Alexander Hamilton
Law passed in 1765 that Gt. Britain imposed taxes on items such as newspapers and pamphlets.
Stamp Act
The Treaty of Paris (1783) ended the Revolutionary War. True or False?
This was established to protect Native American tribes by setting a boundary from the Appalachians west which no western white settlements could happen.
Proclamation Line of 1763
This colonial group was formed in 1765 as a result of the Stamp Act and other British laws and taxes.
Sons of Liberty
This war took place between 1754-1763 and was the final war between Gt. Britain and France in America.
French and Indian War
This was an intellectual and cultural movement that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith.
This is the lack of strict enforcement of the Navigation Acts by Gt. Britain in the English colonies during most of the 1700s.
Salutary Neglect
Triangular Trade is the journey of enslaved people from the African coast to the Americas. True or False?
False! It was the Middle Passage
The Mayflower Compact was the first written plan for government in the English colonies. True or False?
Which was the first English document to limit the power of the king by law? The Magna Carta or the Mayflower Compact?
Magna Carta
This was the first elected representative government in the British Colonies.
House of Burgesses
As a result of the transatlantic slave trade, slavery became strong in the New England colonies. True or False?
False - it introduced African culture to the Americas and increased slavery in the southern colonies.