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digestion bones
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A structural adaptation that prevents the loss of water in pine tree.
needle leaves
The roots of kapok tree don't grow deeply in the soil, because ......................
the soil contains more water
Digestion process begins in stomach with the help of saliva
The part of kapok tree which is supported by the buttress roots
The function of the digestive system is to help you...…..………
break down food
…………………….are the basic building blocks of all living organisms.
. A liquid that softens and moistens the food in the mouth is called saliva.
A burrow is excellent place for the fennec fox to stay ..............during the day.
Small intestine is a long muscular tube that moves food down into stomach
palm tree - cactus - mangrove tree - barbary fig
mangrove tree
Stomach has an acid that helps in .....................
digestion of food
Heart is a part of the digestive system
Stomach produce an ..........to break up food
The digested food stays in small intestine
The energy we need doesn not come from food