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Lava Boat Tour

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List three things about lava.
Lava flows when it is hot. Lava consists of melted rock. Lava hardens when it cools.
How do volcanic islands get bigger?
The island gets bigger when melted rock flows into the ocean. It cools and the land grows.
In the reading "Lava Boat Tour", what caused the steam that they saw?
Hot red lava flowing into the water and evaporating the water into steam gas.
What does the lava consist of?
melted rock
In the reading "Lava Boat Tour", where is the family on vacation?
Hawaii, USA
Two mountains could look (ALMOST IDENTICAL) from far away.
The exhibit (INCLUDES) gold and silver jewelry found at the site.
consists of
All (SIGNS) of plant life were buried under the lava.
Everyone thinks we are brothers because we look __________.
What __________ do you have to support your claim? (think Sherlock Holmes)
Cookies mostly __________ flour, sugar, and eggs.
consist of
The logs in our campfire will turn to (SOFT GRAY POWEDER).
(HOT LIQUID) comes out of volcanoes.
Dad says to stay away from the (MOUNTAIN WITH A HOLE IN THE TOP).
Martin explored the (ROUND HOLE IN THE GROUND).
When the smoke, fire, and rocks come out of the volcano, the lava (ESCAPES) and makes a lot of noise.
When the volcano __________, lava flows.
Hot __________ poured down the side of the volcano.
The largest __________ on the moon is over 1,300 miles across.
The __________ in the air made it hard to breathe.