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6 Big science Chapter 1

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean to "do research"?
Read books, magazines, or the internet. Talk to people and find out if anyone has ever tried to solve this problem before.
What is the goal of the design process?
To find a solution to a problem
What does disability mean?
a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
What is step 5 of the design process?
develop and construct a prototype
What step 6 did teacher Daniel add to the design process in the book?
Find the problems with your prototype and use the design process to fix them.
What is step 4 of the design process?
choose one solution
What is step 3 of the design process?
develop possible solutions
What is step 2 of the design process?
Do research
What is an artery?
An artery carries blood (with oxygen in it) away from your heart to be moved around your body
What is cholesterol?
A fat-like substance in your blood. You need some cholesterol but too much of it is bad for your heart.
What does it mean to mimic?
to copy something
What do we call the series of steps that people follow to solve problems and create new things.
The design process
a type of science and engineering that designs, produces, and uses tiny structures, devices, and systems
What is plaque?
A substance containing bacteria that forms on the surface of your teeth
An incredibly tiny robot
A sort stiff hair such as on a toothbrush or hairbrush
A bristle
What is an atom?
Tiny particles of matter that make up everything in the world around us
A set of tools that can detect things around us. These tools can detect things like light, temperature, or movement. They then send this information to a central computer.
A sensor system
Define prototype
An early sample or model of an idea built to test it.
What is a prosthetic limb?
an articificial part of the body (arm. leg, foot, etc) that replaces part of the body
What is step 1 of the design process?
identify the problem