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World of animals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's very big. It's got a long trunk and big ears. It lives in the forest or grassland. It can swim.
It's the king of animals. It can hunt. The male one's got a male around his head.
It's got many stripes. It lives in the forest. It's a carnivore.
Animals are sometimes kept in here to stay safe or when they are transported.
It's a colorful bird that can speak.
It's big and strong. It likes to eat berries, fish, and honey. It can jump very fast.
It's got a long neck and long legs. It's the tallest animals and eat leaves from tall trees.
It's got many stripes. It lives in the grassland. It's a herbivore.
It's a black and white bear that loves to eat bamboo. It lives in the mountains of China.
It can fly but it isn't a bird. It sleeps upside down during daytime and find food at night.
It's friendly and smart. It lives in the sea. It can make sounds and flip.
It's the biggest animal in the sea. It live in the sea, and it can sing songs.
It's got long ears and love to hop. It digs holes in the ground to make its homes.
It's a sea bird but it can't fly. It swims very well. It lives in cold places like Antarctica.
It lives in the Arctic. It's got thick white fur to stay warm and it's good at swimming.
Polar bear
It's got strong legs for jumping. It carries its babies in a pouch on its belly.