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Complete the sentences.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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........ she like candies? Yes,....... ........
Does she like candies? Yes, she does.
..... these three snakes? No,...... .........
Are these three snakes? No, they aren't.
...... there a cup on the table? Yes, .... .....
Is there a cup on the table? Yes, there is.
...... that a penguin? No, .... .....
Is that a penguin? No, it isn't.
..... this a table? Yes,..... ......
Is this a table? Yes, it is.
.... those two lions? Yes,... ....
Are those two lions? Yes, they are.
.... there any flowers in the garden? No, .... ....
Are there any flowers in the garden? No, there aren't.
.... they playing basketball now?, No, .... .....
Are they playing basketball now?, No, they aren't.
...... Tom watching TV? No, ...... ......
Is Tom watching TV? No, he isn't.
..... your grandchildren visit you often? Yes, .... .....
Do your grandchildren visit you often? Yes, they do.
...... you want some soup? No, ..... .......
Do you want some soup? No, I don't.
...... the children drink milk every day? Yes, ..... ......
Do the children drink milk every day? Yes, they do.
........ Linda making a chocolate cake? Yes,.... ....
Is Linda making a chocolate cake? Yes, She is.
..... you listening to music? Yes, .... ....
Are you listening to music? - Yes, I am.