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Past Simple Affirmative

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He ________ to France last summer. (travel)
He traveled to France last summer.
She ______ to her teacher after class. (talk)
She talked to her teacher after class.
They ______ into the pool yesterday. (jump)
They jumped into the pool yesterday.
He ______ video games all day. (play)
He played video games all day.
She _______ shopping with her friends. (go)
She went shopping with her friends.
They _______ a museum last week. (visit)
They visited a museum last week.
He ______  the new car he bought last week (love)
He loved the new car he bought last week
She _______ her room yesterday. (clean)
She cleaned her room yesterday.
They ________ to music on the way to school. (listen)
They listened to music on the way to school.
He _______ for his exam last night. (study)
He studied for his exam last night.
She ________ dinner for her family. (cook)
She cooked dinner for her family.
They ______ to the beach on Saturday. (go)
They went to the beach on Saturday.
He ________ his grandmother last weekend. (visit)
He visited his grandmother last weekend.
She _______ coffee this morning. (enjoy)
She enjoyed the coffee this morning
They _______ football in the park. (play)
They played football in the park.
He ______ a movie last night. (watch)
He watched a movie last night.
She ________ breakfast at 7:00 am. (eat)
She ate breakfast at 7:00 am.
I _______ to the park yesterday. (walk)
I walked to the park yesterday.