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MVP (Mass, Volume, Property)
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is a door. One of its materials come from trees. What material is it?
These tires are rubbers. Rubbers are made from the __________________.
sap of the rubber tree
This object is made from clay. This is an example of ______________.
This object is an example of __________. It is made from oil.
This object is made from sand. What is this object?
glass bottle/gas
This is a wooden chair. Where does the wood come from?
What is this object made from?
What is this object made from?
Which has more volume? The paper bag or the rock?
The paper bag has more volume because it is bigger.
Give a property of this matter.
Its a cube/It has different colors
Which has more mass? The rock or the paper?
The rock because it is heavier.
This inflated balloon is an example of matter. It is big but it is very light. Does this balloon have more mass or more volume?
More volume
The toy truck has an irregular shape. A shape is an example of property. Is the statement correct or not?
If the object is heavy, it has less mass. Is the statement true or false?
False, heavier objects have more mass.
If the object is big, it has less volume. Is the statement true or false?
False, bigger objects have more volume.
Which object has more mass?
The baseball
A color is one of the properties of matter. What is the color of this object?
If the object is bigger, it takes up more space. The more space it takes up the more ________ it has.
Does this object have more volume or less volume?
less volume
It is the amount of matter in an object. The heavier the object is the more it has it. What is it?
It is the space taken by matter. What is it?