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Fiqh of Sawm and Zakah

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Who is the one with whom alternate days of fasting is associated?
Dawood (a s)
Children and those with mental illness don't need to pay Zakah even if they possess the amount that makes Zakah obligatory. True or False. State the ruling for them
FALSE: If they possess the amount that makes Zakah obligatory, their guardians or those in charge should pay on their behalf from their wealth
Nisaab for Gold and Silver
Gold : 85 grams , Silver : 595 grams
Nisaab for Agricultural produce
10% of the produce if it was naturally watered. 5% of the produce if it was artificially watered using sprinklers etc
List the items on which Zakah is liable.
Cash, merchandise, gold and silver, agricultural produce, livestock, shares
Exolain the benefit and significance of Zakah through its linguistic meanings.
Growth and Purification (explanation of the 2 points is required in answer. Refer notebook)
List any 1 attitude / reminder a believer should have regarding his wealth
1) When I spend on those in need for Allah's sake I am not doing a favour on them. I might be more in need of them than they are in need of me
List any 2 attitudes / reminders a believer should have regarding his wealth
1. The wealth that I have is not MINE, it has been GIVEN to me. 2) When I spend for Allah my wealth DOES NOT DECREASE, it only gets transferred.
Mention any 2 virtues of Taraweeh
1) it is a means of gaining Allah's pleasure. 2) it is an opportunity to seek Laylatul Qadr which equals to 1000 months of worship
Sighting the moon is ______________
Fard Kifaayah
The intention to fast should be made before Fajr in case of compulsory fasting. True or False?
Mention any one hadith about suhoor
Take suhoor for there is BARAKAH in it
People will remain happy and prosperous as long as they ________________
Hasten to break their fast
What would the Prophet (s) break his fast with?
Fresh dates, dried dates, or water
What is the spiritual benefit of fasting?
Increases taqwa and trains us to strive and sacrifice in the way of Allah.
What is the social benefit of fasting?
Experience of hunger enables us to empathize / relate with the poor and encourages us to help them.
Give the translation of the dua'a that is recited while breaking fast.
The thirst has gone and the veins have moistened and the reward is confirmed, if Allah wills
Which fasts are considered Haraam? (Name 2)
1) On day of Eid ul Fitr, 2) During Tashreeq days
Which fasts are considered Mustahab? (Name 3)
Fasting on day of Ashura, Day of A'rafah, Mon and Thursdays
Which fasts are considered Wajib? (Hint: 4 kinds of fast fall in this categories)
1. Fasting in Ramadan, 2. Kaffarah, 3) Nadhr (vows) 4. Making up for the missed fasts
List the broad categories under which we list various kinds of fasts.
Wajib, Mustahab, Mubah, Makrooh and Haram
What are the 4 conditions for fasting?
1. Need to be a Muslim, 2. Above the age of puberty, 3. Physically able. 4. Not a traveller