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Adjectives Ending -ing

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am playing some ________ piano music. (touch)
Pandora has _________ eyes. (charm)
It is a _________ night because I already finished my work in the afternoon. (relax)
The fireworks were_____. (fascinate)
The fireworks were fascinating.
The story about aliens was _____. (interest)
The story about aliens was interesting.
The game was  _____ so Sara left. (bore)
The game was  boring so Sara left.
The show last night was _____. (disappoint)
The show last night was disappointing.
My dog is very _____.She always kisses me. (love)
My dog is very loving. She always kisses me.
The trip to Japan is very _____. (excite)
The trip to Japan is very exciting.
The horror film was _____ so I couldn't sleep all night. (frighten)
The horror film was frightening so I couldn't sleep all night.
Most people think sharks are  _____. (terrify)
Most people think sharks are  terrifying.
My grandma is very _____. She likes to hug me. (love)
My grandma is very loving. She likes to hug me.