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Comparative adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who do you live with?
Student's own answer.
How does a vacuum cleaner help you?
It helps me clean the floor.
What machines do you use at home?
Student's own answer.
Do you help your parents at home? And how?
Student's own answer.
How does a dishwasher help you?
It helps me wash the dishes.
How does a washing machine help you?
It helps me wash clothes.
Which sofa is newer, Mai's sofa or Nam's sofa?
Mai's sofa is newer than Nam's sofa.
Which sofa is shorter, Mai's sofa or Nam's sofa?
Nam's sofa is shorter than Mai's sofa.
Which one is warmer, Mai's living room or Nam's living room?
Nam's living room is warmer than Mai's living room.
Which one is bigger, Mai's living room or Nam's living room?
Mai's living room is smaller than Nam's living room.
What has the house got? (How many floors and balconies has it got?
It's got two floors and two balconies.
What has the flat got? (How many floors and balconies has it got?
It's got four floors and many balconies.
Which one is taller, the flat or the house?
The flat is taller than the house.