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Engineering Jobs - Civil & Environmental

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This job involves conducting research to identify and mitigate environmental hazards.
Environmental Scientist
This job involves studying the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of water in the environment
This job involves advising businesses on how to operate in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
Sustainability Consultant
This job ensures that companies comply with environmental health and safety regulations.
Environmental Health and Safety Manager
This job involves developing systems for managing and reducing waste in an environmentally friendly manner
Waste Management Engineer
This job involves monitoring and improving air quality by designing systems to reduce air pollution.
Air Quality Engineer
This job involves providing advice on environmental regulations and helping companies comply with environmental laws.
Environmental Consultant
This job ensures proper care of waterways like canals, reservoirs, and sewage ways to reduce waste and maintain water sources used for drinking water.
Water Treatment Plant Operator
This job focuses on the safety and efficiency of transportation systems.
Transportation Engineer
This job involves using physics and mathematics to determine the safest and most functional way to design a project.
Structural Engineer
This job involves examining how infrastructure interacts with the ground and other natural elements
Geotechnical Engineer
This job involves working with public officials, developers, and the community to plan the development and use of land.
Urban Planner
This job involves working in water or wastewater treatment plants to oversee system operations and proper treatment protocols.
Water Hygiene Engineer
This job involves providing maintenance and repair services for buildings, ensuring compliance with local fire and building codes.
Building Engineer
This job involves working with computer-aided design software.
CAD Technician
This job involves measuring and making notes of property boundaries and locations to determine building site specifications.