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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The mouse wanted some cheese.
The mouse wanted some cheese.
The farmer grows lettuce.
The farmer grows lettuce.
I want juice for breakfast.
I want juice for breakfast.
The ice is melting quickly.
The ice is melting quickly.
They moved into their new house.
They moved into their new house.
The horse is running fast.
The horse is running fast.
I need to cut the grass.
I need to cut the grass.
The fence went around the land.
The fence went around the land.
If you make a mistake, erase it.
If you make a mistake, erase it.
He likes math class.
He likes math class.
I ran to catch the bus.
I ran to catch the bus.
The insect has orange wings.
The insect has orange wings.
His glasses helped him see.
His glasses helped him see.
It is a beautiful day outside.
It is a beautiful day outside.
This is the best cookie recipe.
This is the best cookie recipe.
The dresser is made of wood.
The dresser is made of wood.
There was a dinosaur in the park.
There was a dinosaur in the park.
Christmas is a holiday in December.
Christmas is a holiday in December.
She was a ballet dancer.
She was a ballet dancer.
Her grandmother gave her the bracelet.
Her grandmother gave her the bracelet.
His bicycle is blue.
His bicycle is blue.
Put on your seat belt before leaving.
Put on your seat belt before leaving.
The seal rolled over on his back.
The seal rolled over on his back.
Don't run with scissors.
Don't run with scissors.
You made a tall sandwich.
You made a tall sandwich.
I ate chicken noodle soup when I was sick.
I ate chicken noodle soup when I was sick.
The salt was dumped out on the table.
The salt was dumped out on the table.
We ordered a salad for lunch.
We ordered a salad for lunch.
They are taking the sailboat on the water.
They are taking the sailboat on the water.
They have seven people on their team.
They have seven people on their team.
They made a circle with their hands.
They made a circle with their hands.